
XCORE 2024

XCore is for leaders who want to step up their leadership game next year. Sit in a high-powered room with other organizational leaders and grow your awareness and ability to lead yourself and your team.

Become a leader worth following

What is XCore?

6 Forums

Half-day, in-person, round-table, workshop-oriented gatherings where you will learn new tools, apply them immediately to your leadership, and share with others what you're learning.

Feb  |  Apr  |  Jun  |  Aug  |  Oct  |  Dec

Group Calls

60-minute Zoom calls between Forums to debrief application of tools and keep accountability high.

Mar  |  May  |  Jul  |  Sep  |  Nov

What about food?

Light lunch will be provided starting at 12:00pm on Forum dates. (Come early)

Water and snacks will be provided for Forum gatherings.


Why should I participate in XCore?

23% Greater Productivity

Studies show a 23% increase in effectiveness and productivity by investing in your own development!


Participants will be encouraged to show off their organization's brand at Forums and on group calls. Increase your visibility.

Hit Goals Faster

The tools you will learn will accelerate your organizational and personal goals throughout the year.

Greater Intentionality

XCore is designed to give you the resources you need to become a leader worth following.

Register for XCore 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates of the Forums?

Forums will meet on the first Wednesday afternoon of each Forum month:

  • February 7 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • April 3 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • June 5 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • August 7 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • October 2 - 12:30-3:30pm
  • December 4 - 12:30-3:30pm

How will the Group Calls work?

Group Calls will be hosted by a coach on The Work Better Team. They are designed to be Q&A touchpoints for keeping the tools top-of-mind between Forums. You will be encouraged to share what you've done with the tools since the Forum.

The Group Calls are an excellent place to glean insight from other XCore participants.

We aim to limit each call to 10 people, so that everyone has the opportunity to share and learn.

What happens at an XCore Forum?

XCore Forums are where you will be introduced to new tools. You will be seated at a round table with other participants. As you learn new tools you will discuss and apply the tools together. Over the course of the year, you will build relationships with those at your table.

Can I also get one-on-one coaching in XCore?

Yes! In fact, XCore participants receive a discounted rate on our one-on-one leadership coaching as long as you are enrolled in XCore.Adding one-on-one coaching to XCore is an excellent way to accelerate your growth and development, to maximize your learning and application of the tools in your life and leadership.

Email Ben for more details about our XCore Non-Profit Coaching Rates

Where will the Forums meet each month?

Forums will be held at the M Garden venue, located at 3506 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210.

Get Directions to M Garden

What all is included in the registration cost?

Your XCore registration fee includes:

  • Participation in all Forums
  • Participation in all Group Calls
  • Light lunch at each Forum
  • Water and snacks at each Forum
  • Workbooks for learning new tools at each Forum and for ongoing learning through Group Calls
  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credit through SHRM for completed sessions, if desired